Sunday, January 22, 2012

Looks Tempting

Julia, Julia, Julia
As juicy as the prospect is, of Julia Roberts' portrayal of the evil queen in this Disney flick, MQ will continue her pasttime of consulting the critics at Rotten Tomatoes before deciding to see it or not. Opens in theatres March 16th, 2012.


Honorable mention from 2011: Mistress Quickly and her sister did Thanksgiving takeaway from a local store called Hen House near her house in Kansas City. Our grandmother's Lenox wedding-china (now shamefully divided amongst the two of us), was lovingly put back into service, albeit, not commensurate with the heights of its gracious past.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

How I Wish More Men Would Dress in February Whether They Live in Palm Springs or Not

Just Wake Me When January is Over

It's Still Not Too Late: The Perfect Winter Cruise Accessory

Fingerlesss mesh leather gloves (I presume one wears two), and winter white finger polish.

A Good Winter's Read: Ethan Frome

You'll never think of a sleigh ride in quite the same way after reading this haunting winter's tale, by Edith Wharton; it's a perfect January read (that ends in a major dustup), unless of course, you're a sufferer of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), characterized by episodes of depression that occur at a certain time of the year, usually during winter.The movie, based on Wharton's semi-autobiographical novel and starring Liam Neeson, umm, sucked, but don't let that sway you from picking up this bittersweet gem, a Mistress Quickly favorite.

Emblematic cover embossed in glittering red foil letters.

Oh Dear, Should My Shoes Be Pointing East or West?

For lovers of shoes, big & small. Comes with a red satin ribbon & charm.

Plush Christmas Present for the Pampered Pooch